Monthly Archives: November 2015

Eczema Anyone?




Has anyone ever thought about why the doctors prescribe creams containing alcohol and other harmful components to heal eczema? Am I the only one who this product has never worked for?

I decided to put together some ingredients, all natural of course, to rub on my eczema and whaddaya know? It worked. The itch stopped immediately. The rash itself began drying up, and my skin healed. Actually healed. I was amazed at the results. Why don’t the medical prescribe natural medicines? Why is everything they give out does more harm to us than good? These are questions I have but can’t get answers to.

I offer this cream and soaps to anyone who wants it for a small fee of course. I got a family too. For more information on these natural herbal soaps and skin cream, check me out at

I Stay True To Me

I started my shop, Rossie’s Bath Treats, on a whim. I became a vegetarian, stopped putting chemicals I my hair and on my skin literally over night. I was watching a video on YouTube about how big corporations process animals for meat. What I found out broke my heart. I cried for hours, and it was in that moment, I knew that I had to become a naturalist. Everything I eat, wear, put on my skin, as well as in my hair is 100% all natural. I even make sure my dogs are completely natural.

Since being on this journey, I’ve learned a lot of vital information that has changed my life for the better. My health has dramatically changed. I am no longer threatening diabetes. My cholesterol levels are down. I’ve lost weight naturally, and my skin glows daily. I couldn’t be happier with this new life.

To Help or Not To Help?

Good afternoon to all of my fb friends and family. I have a delima. My kitchen floor has a soft spot and I’m afraid it will not hold up for long. I’m not asking for handouts. But I am asking everyone to help us out by purchasing our all natural bath and body products. We don’t know how much time we have before it caves in and since the weather has changed, my husband hasn’t had much work. Please everyone donate to this worthy cause. Inbox me for details if interested in helping out.

Essential oils or Deaigner Fragrances

Which do you prefer? I personally prefer essential oils because they come directly from the plants of the earth. Designer fragrances are made of a very small portion of natural ingredients, but the rest of the ingredients are not natural. Alcohol and water are too of the Mai ingredients.

I ask everyone reading this to list what type of oils you prefer and post also if you would like them in natural bath 🛀 and body products. This would be a great help to me.

I Love Being An Entrepreneur

there is no greater feeling than to be in business for yourself. My day is like anyone else’s. I get up around 8am, get the coffee going, eat breakfast and take care of my dogs. The only different is, I don’t have to answer to anyone other than my husband. Together we make the perfect pair.

We start our work by 9 or 10am, it really depends on how we feel. . We have to maintain a high level of service to our customers because we deal with all natural ingredients. We offer bath 🛀 and body products and we ship here in the U.S.

Check out what we offer by following this link